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5 Social Media Guidelines for Authors

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Social media is one of the easiest ways to express yourself and your brand. It gives you the opportunity to connect with others from all over the world and allows you advertise yourself and your work.

We’re going to give you a basic guide to social media for authors. We’ll talk about how to properly maintain your accounts to increase the number of followers, keep them interested, and ultimately gain popularity within the writing and publishing industry.

Here are 5 social media guidelines to maintaining and growing your social media accounts:

1) Stay consistent

When planning out your social media posts, it's best to stick to some sort of schedule. This doesn't mean that you have to post everyday at 12:00, instead make sure that you're posting consistently. If you decide on posting once a week for example, make sure you don't miss a week. Consistent posting can lead to more consistent engagement.

2) Respond to comments as quickly as you can

If you get a comment on one of your posts, make sure you can respond to them as quickly as you can. This is one of the best ways to engage your audience. If they're showing interest in your content, matching that enthusiasm can lead to a more loyal fan base.

3) Learn how to use hashtags

The use of hashtags varies depending on the social media platform you're using. Below are the general rules to follow:

  • Twitter – 1 to 3 hashtags is the sweet spot

  • Facebook – hashtags may decrease engagement

  • Instagram – 11 or more hashtags per post gets the most engagement

  • Pinterest – hashtags are not recommended

4) Stick to the 80/20 rule

Entertain and inform your audience first, sell to them second. In order for your following to stay engaged, you should vary your posts by using this general rule. If all you do is try and sell, sell, sell, your audience may get tired of your content and won't stay engaged.

5) Stay engaged in your community

As an author, it's always helpful to join online communities, where you can communicate with fellow authors, editors, and publishing professionals. Social media is the best way to do this. Try following Facebook groups and Instagram pages that cater to community engagement.

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